Colloquium Lecture: “Ecological Rehabilitation: A New Paradigm for Multispecies Justice”
with Dr. Bastian Thomsen
Date: Tuesday September 22, 2022
Time: 12:30- 3:00 PM
Location: ANSO 134 Zoom Link
- Meeting ID: 679 1566 5830
- Passcode: 885378
The Department of Anthropology invites you to our Colloquium Lecture. Please join us at ANSO 134. Please note we will be providing light refreshments in the Lino Lounge (ANSO 208) after the lecture.
Abstract: Human exceptionalism and speciesism is perpetuated by Euro-American sociocultural dynamics. Drawing on multispecies scholarship, Thomsen critiques the biopolitical power that perpetuates the killing of billions of nonhumans. He focuses on wolf-human relations given the species’ evocation of polarizing human responses. Thomsen makes a case for nonhuman legal personhood and a new paradigm of ecological rehabilitation.