Dec. 7: Dr. Mohammed Rafi Arefin and Dr. Michael Fabris, “Infrastructures of Colonization”

Thursday December 7, 2023
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Dr. Mohammed Rafi Arefin and Dr. Michael Fabris (Geography, UBC)

“Infrastructures of Colonization”

Part of the 2023 Fall Colloquium Series

Date and Time: Thursday, December 7, 2023 12:30pm-2:00pm, followed by a light lunch in the ANSO Lino Lounge

Location: Anthropology & Sociology Building (ANSO) Room 134, 6303 NW Marine Drive


What is the infrastructure required to sustain colonization? And how can it be used in service of decolonization? Bringing a materialist and geographic sensibility to the study of settler states and imperial formations, Dr. Michael Fabris and Dr. Rafi Arefin (UBC Geography) will discuss infrastructure as a site of contestation over questions of jurisdiction and governance, as well as of anti-colonial politics and mobilization.