Trends in Manitoba Archaeology

Friday December 6, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Borden Research Room
Museum of Anthropology, 6393 NW Marine Drive

Join us for this Laboratory of Archaeology Talk with Dr. Benjamin Collins (UBC Anthropology Honorary Research Associate)

Trends in Manitoba Archaeology

When and Where
Friday, Dec. 6 @ 11:00AM
Borden Research Room, Museum of Anthropology


Manitoba has a rich and deep history dating back over 8,000 years. However, very little archaeological research has been undertaken to understand and share this history. Our SSHRC-funded research aims to contribute to better understanding Manitoba’s history through studying the radiocarbon dating data in CARD for Manitoba, and exploring opportunities for using Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS) to increase the resolution of Manitoba’s archaeological record. This talk discusses preliminary results from this research, as well as more generally the practice of archaeology in Manitoba, including the importance of communities-focused approaches.

About Benjamin Collins

Ben currently works as a CRM archaeologist with WSP Canada Inc based in their Victoria office. He previously worked as a term Assistant Professor at the University of Manitoba and where he initiated and continues to contribute the SSHRC-funded research project “Narratives from Fragments: Re-Thinking Narratives of Manitoba’s Archaeology”. He has over 15 years of experience as an archaeologist and is interested in how peoples in the past formed and maintained social connections across large distances.