PhD Candidate, sociocultural (medical) anthropology
MA Medical Anthropology, University of British Columbia, 2011
BA (Hons) Anthropology and Diversity Studies, Concordia University, 2009
Supervisor: Bill McKellin
Society for Medical Anthropology
Society for the Anthropology of North America
The Association for the Anthropology of Policy
American Society for Bioethics and Humanities
Canadian Bioethics Society
Research Interests:
- Critical medical anthropology and science and technology studies;
- Anthropology of ethics/morality/value and values;
- Anthropology of economics and related institutions;
- Anthropology of publicly funded health care systems (focus on Canada);
- Ethical/legal/social aspects of health technology assessment.
McGuire, Marlee
2015. “My son was dying and now he’s not”: rare diseases, orphan drugs, and ‘meaningful benefit’ in Canada’s publicly funded health care system. Forthcoming.
Anita Ho, Martha Spencer and Marlee McGuire.
2015. When Patients or Their Families Request Non-Indicated Interventions: The Usefulness of the 4-Box Ethical Approach. Journal of American Geriatric Studies. In Press.
McGuire, Marlee
2014. The Orphan Drug Industry and the Innocent Dying Child. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Anthropology Society, Toronto ON, April 30.
Ho Anita, Spencer Martha, McGuire Marlee
2014. Working with patients and families who choose against evidence: how context matters. American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, San Diego, October 20.
Pillay T, Cross S, Mai Luu T, McGuire M, Dow K, Majnemer A, de Cabo C, Ballantyne M, Synnes A, Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network
2014. Health resource use following neonatal discharge of extremely preterm infants in Canada. Canadian Pediatric Societies annual meeting, Montreal, June 25-28.
Luu TM, Cross S, Pillay T, McGuire M, Dow K, Majnemer A, de Cabo C, Ballantyne M, Synnes A, Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network
2014. Determinants of hospital re-admission following neonatal discharge of extremely preterm infants in Canada. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Vancouver, May 3-6.
McGuire M, Synnes A, Couture K, Colby L, Cuthbert D, Petrie J, Lawrence M, Butt A. 2014. Optimal Neonatal Follow-up Care for Sick and Premature Newborns in Canada and British Columbia. 2014 Early Years Conference: Shaping Childhood, Factors that Matter, Vancouver, January 31-Feb 1.
McGuire M, Synnes A, Sauve R, Creighton D, Saigal S, Asztalos E, Couture E, Vincer M, Majnemer A, Ballantyne M, Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network
2014. Preterm patient journeys: travels through the health care system. 2014 Early Years Conference: Shaping Childhood, Factors that Matter, Vancouver January 31-Feb 1.
McGuire, Marlee
2012. “It’s not our fault it’s expensive”: the shifting distributions of responsibility surrounding high-priced orphan drugs in a publicly funded health care system. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco CA, November 14.
McGuire, Marlee
2011. Expensive drugs for rare diseases: structural realities and clinical concerns. Society for Applied Anthropology annual meeting, Seattle, April 1.
2013-2016: Douglas Kinsella Doctoral Research Award for Bioethics – Canadian Institutes of Health Research Ethics Office
2013-2016: Frederick Banting & Charles Best Doctoral Award – Canadian Institutes of Health Research
2012-2016: Graduate Support Initiative 4-Year-Fellowship – the University of British Columbia Faculty of Graduate Studies
2010: Bourse de maîtrise en recherche – Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture
2009: Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Master’s Research Award – Social Science and Humanities Research Council
2009: Everett C. Hughes Medal in Sociology and Anthropology – Concordia University
Additional Description
Socio-Cultural Anthropology