2024 Anthropology Student Awards

Congratulations to all the 2024 Student Awardees!

2024 Charles and Alice Borden Fellowship in Archaeology
Awardee: Karen Thomas
Co-supervisors: Susan Rowley and Kristen Barnett

2024 Liu Lin Ping Memorial Scholarship (awarded in Anthropology every 3 years)
Awardee: Carolyn Stampliaka

2024 Michael Ames Scholarship
Awardee: Lilith Charlet
Supervisor: Sue Rowley

2024 Francis Reif Scholarship
Awardee: Aaron LaMaskin
Supervisor: Jennifer Kramer

2024 Wilson Duff Memorial Scholarship
Awardee: Victoria Sear
Supervisor: Patrick Moore

2024 Sentinel Prize in Anthropology
Awardee: Sydney Dawson
Supervisor: Shalih Muehlmann
Nominator: Amir Shiva

2024 Julie Cruikshank Paper Prizes

Graduate: Jan Lim
Paper: “’Happy Hour,’ Margarita Bikes and Indigenous Erasure: ‘Mexican – Inspired’ Foodstuffs in the Canadian Food and Beverage Industry” (Submitted for ANTH 540)
Nominator: Helena Zeweri.

Undergraduate: Erin Chernikhowsky
Paper: “Insurrectionary Anthropology: The Ethics of Engagement in Asymmetrical Warfare” (ANTH 495B)
Nominator: Hugh Gusterson

2024 CASCA (Canadian Anthropological Society) Awards

Outstanding Graduating PhD:  Yujie Ji / Bendi Tso
Nominator: Mark Turin

Outstanding Graduating MA: Sophie McKenzie
Nominator: Leslie Robertson

Outstanding Graduating BA: Amelia Paetkau
Nominator: Amir Shiva

2024 Anthropology Emeriti Professors Graduate Students Research Award

PhD: Madeleine Lamer, who is researching slavery in Viking Age Scandinavia
Nominator: Darlene Weston

MA: Olivia Doyle, who is researching Ainu activist women and Ainu museum exhibitions in Japan
Nominator: Sue Rowley