CALL FOR PAPERS: All human settlements require water for drinking, making things, for religious/spiritual purposes, and for transportation. However, water is far from a passive actor in this relationship, often pushing back with floods, hiding during droughts, and sometimes acting in cooperation. At the same time, the needs and wants of the human cultures that interacted with water changed over time.
We invite papers from all temporal and geographic periods that address the material evidence for the relationship between water and settlement, especially those that focus on how water supply management, and drainage can reflect or reveal new insights about the worldviews, beliefs, and perceptions of past cultures. Flowing from the past to the future, by highlighting this awareness of changing human interactions to dealing with water, this conference hopes to motivate contemporary listeners to reflect on their own relationship with water.
Submission Details:
Please send your abstract (300 words maximum) by 5 p.m. on February 7th, 2020 to Your name and “Abstract Submission” should appear in the subject line.
Along with the abstract please include your name, institution (if any), title of presentation, and email address.
Archaeology Day is organized by the Laboratory of Archaeology and sponsored by the Department of Anthropology, the Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies, and the Faculty of Arts.