The UBC Disaster Resilience Research Network (DRRN) — created by Anthropology’s Dr. Sara Shneiderman and Dr. Carlos Molina Hutt (Civil Engineering, UBC) — has recently received ongoing support from BC’s new Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness (EMCR).
The collaboration with EMCR was announced in October 13, the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction. In its initial round of funding, the Ministry granted the DRRN $450,000 to provide insights into disaster resilience research and policymaking in BC. This funding is supporting 12 pilot research projects by DRRN members, as well as additional efforts to support collaborative research on disaster resilience.
Drs. Shneiderman and Molina Hutt started the DRRN in recognition of how disaster resilience research can directly contribute to local and regional mitigation strategies in B.C. The network, funded by a university grant for catalyzing research clusters, brings together disaster risk and resilience researchers across both UBC campuses to jointly share research with policymakers.