The Borders Research Group (Migration Studies, UBC) aims to advance interdisciplinary dialogues about border regimes and the lived experience of borders through reading seminars, speaker events, and written and creative expression.
The group, which is coordinated by Anthropology’s Dr. Helena Zeweri, recently released the first issue of their biannual zine. The zine “The Poetics and Politics of Borders: An Archive” is focused on work that engages with a particular concept related to borders that has both popular and scholarly resonance.
In this first issue, Borders Research Group Member and PhD student (French, Hispanic and Italian Studies), Lorenia Salgado-Leos, examines how the classroom can be used to rethink rights-based discourses in human and more-than-human worlds through the language of ‘waywardness.’ The zine also introduces readers to the Borders Research Group’s mission and provides a recap of events in Term 1 and upcoming events for Term 2.