Faculty in the News – December 2023 Round Up

Anthropology faculty are often asked for interviews and comment by the media — on a variety of topics. Here are just a few recent examples:


Dr. Hugh Gusterson:
An interview in the PKU Financial Review (Peking University’s HSBC Business School)
“We have to find a way to make the world feel secure”

A Q&A with CBC News
“UBC anthropologist reflects on Oppenheimer and 78th anniversary of nuclear bombing of Nagasaki”


Dr. Sabina Magliocco:
An interview with Faculty of Arts News
“Unmasking Halloween: Beyond myths and monsters of the week”

An interview with the Chattanooga Times Free Press (pay wall):
“‘It feels so right’: Through pagan ritual Chattanoogans forge link to ancestors and earth”

An interview with Discover Magazine
“Why do these 6 animals represent death in cultures around the world?”

An interview with the Bored Panda website:
“Family condemned for taking all Halloween candy that was put out for trick-or-treaters”

Consultant and advisor on the National Endowment for the Humanities funded podcast “Magic in the United States”

Sabina Magliocco also appears as a guest expert in anthropology and folklore on multiple episodes of The Unbelievable with Dan Aykroyd, which premiered Dec. 1 on The History Channel. New episodes air every Friday at 10 PM.