Anthropology Colloquium is the department’s speaker series that invites a mixture of anthropologists from within and outside of UBC to present their research. This speaker series is scheduled throughout the academic year, typically with a lunch reception in the AnSo Lounge.
Embracing Our Treasures: Nuxalk Ways of Being
Thursday February 6th, 2014
AnSo 134, 11:30-1:30
Clyde Tallio
Instructor, Bella Coola and
UBC Visiting Scholar
Clyde Tallio will share his work as an Indigenous culture and language teacher in Bella Coola. He has taught in the Nuxalk-run school, Acwsalcta for 5 years as well as being a recognized alkw (speaker) at community events such as potlatches and funerals. He will discuss the importance of Nuxalk teachings for contemporary Nuxalkmc, and will also suggest ways that students and researchers can participate in these revitalizations of culture and language.
Clyde Tallio is an orator, ceremonialist, and historian educated in his community’s language, rituals, and customs. He was honoured by the Nuxalk hereditary chiefs and elders in 2011 and given the status of alkw – a legally recognized position validating his knowledge and role as educator in the community. This gives him the authority to act as speaker for the chiefs and conduct ceremony on their behalf. Clyde Tallio is a visiting scholar this term at UBC.
Co-Sponsored by: UBC Department of Anthropology, UBC Faculty of Arts, First Nations Studies, First Nations Languages Program and MOA