Jonathan will present his paper, “Heritage in Recovery: Shifting Perspectives on Making Place Amidst Disaster Potentiality in Vancouver, Canada.”
Jonathan’s research engages with multidisciplinary literatures on disasters, heritage, affect, anticipation, and governance to explore both formal and informal avenues of planning and place-making, specifically examining how place-based values inform processes of planning for disaster recovery in Vancouver. He is enjoying the chance to make transdisciplinary connections among disaster researchers in his current role as Executive Director of the UBC Disaster Resilience Research Network.
The Erve Chambers Tourism and Heritage Student Paper Award was established to honor the legacy of Dr. Erve Chambers and encourage new and innovative avenues of inquiry within the anthropology of tourism and heritage. Dr. Chambers’ scholarly work and professional service has had an indelible impact on the anthropology of tourism and heritage as well as applied anthropology.