Sovereign Bodies: Defying Energy Colonialism in Japan and South Asia” Presenter: Dr. ann-elise lewallen (Associate Professor, Pacific and Asian Studies, University of Victoria)

ANTH Colloquia: “Ecological Rehabilitation: A New Paradigm for Multispecies Justice” by Dr. Bastian Thomsen

Dr. Kim Tallbear, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples, Technoscience, and Society at the University of Alberta, will present the Biannual Hawthorn Lecture

ANTH Colloquia: “On Creativity and long-distance Methods in (Post) Pandemic Times” by Dr. Maruska Svasek

ANTH Colloquia: “Necessity: Climate Justice and the Thin Green Line” a conversation with documentary film-maker Jan Haaken

Save the Date! Coffee Hour with visiting Scholar Magnus Marsden

ANTH Colloquia: What a Mushroom Lives For Matsutake and the Worlds They Make by Dr. Michael J. Hathaway